Monday, June 21, 2010

Gotta brag a bit!

Today was the first day of Vacation Bible School and I'm shepherding in Bailey's class, so I had the pleasure of seeing how absolutely precious she was today! First, there was a new girl there today who stood in the middle of class, frowning, because she didn't know anyone. I mentioned to Bailey that she might want to include her in her group. Later, in music, the kids were singing a song and the motions included putting their arms around each other. This little girl absolutely beamed every time Bailey put her arm around her! It was the sweetest thing!! And the little girl sat with Bailey and her friends the whole day and really looked like she was enjoying herself. It was a wonderful moment! Then, one of the other shepherds in her class told me that when she passed out snack, Bailey was the only one who said, "thank you." That makes a mama proud!! And then, in Bible Memory Verse, the leader asked who, besides God, gives us hope, and Bailey said, "Mama & Daddy!!" That REALLY makes a mama feel good!! So, thank you for indulging me today. I love talking about my sweet girl!!

See you soon!!

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