Thursday, July 22, 2010

Damn John Braxton Hicks!!

If you've never had a baby, you may not be familiar with Braxton Hicks contractions, those sneaky little practice contractions that can happen any time after the first trimester. Luckily, my BH contractions just started recently, but they can be supremely off-putting! I made the giant mistake of cleaning my bathrooms and my bedroom on Sunday, and my abdomen felt so tight and uncomfortable that I was really concerned. Couple this with the fact that Morgan hadn't moved in awhile and I just knew that Chris & I would be spending the evening in the ER!! Thankfully, once I sat down and rested for awhile, the contractions subsided and Morgan started kicking again. Whew! I don't remember being this apprehensive when I was pregnant with Bailey but, knowing me, I was! I just pray I settle down soon - I only have 9 more weeks till our very own labor day!!

See you soon!!

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