Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Treat Myself Day!!

So, Day 1 off my Prometrium has been AMAZING!! I have shopped and shopped and talked and had a great day!! But, I'm pretty sure my sweet husband is going to put in his request that I not go shopping on my own anymore!! Is it my fault that Vera Bradley knows exactly what I want and how to get me into the store to buy it? I got a postcard yesterday announcing their latest promotion (a little $15 wallet with purchase) and since I was already lusting after their new Rosie Posie Hipster in Sittin' in a Tree . . . well, you get the picture! Two new additions to my VB collection! Plus, I found a great deal on Yellow Box flip flops that are black with pink, green, and white polka dots at Belk's and I got to park in the Pregnant Mama's parking space at the mall. It's the little things that thrill me!!

If you haven't tried Starbuck's new Dark Cherry Mocha concoctions, go right now . . . I'll wait . . . !! Since it was 60 degrees today, I opted for a Light Dark Cherry Mocha Frappuccino, which was DE-LISH!! So, you can see I have really treated myself today! I didn't even murder anyone at Kroger today! I actually SMILED at all the old people (Wednesdays are Old People Days at Kroger, in case you didn't know!!) I usually try to avoid Kroger at all costs on Wednesdays, but I needed stuff so I had to go! I'm cooking an actual meal tonight and I needed a third item to go with my very favorite pork chops and risotto.

So, if you haven't treated yourself lately, you have my permission to do so today . . . or if it's too late to really make it count, do it tomorrow! Enjoy!!

See you later!!

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