Tuesday, December 21, 2010

3-Month Check-Up

I hate going to the doctor! I would rather dig ditches, clean toilets, pick up trash on the side of the road, anything instead of visiting my local medical professional. However, once you have a baby, their monthly doctor visits become a source of anticipation, even excitement! It's at these visits that you find out how advanced Little Precious is, how much weight she's gained, how long she is, how perfect in every way she is!! And that's just what we did today! Morgan was due for her 3-month check up last week when it snowed so we rescheduled for bright and early this morning. She weighs . . . ((drum roll)) . . . 14 POUNDS!! Woo Hoo!! She's 24 inches long and her head is 41 cm (which doesn't mean much to me, either!). That's the 90th percentile, 80th, and 75th respectively. She held her head up high when the doctor put her on her tummy and she laughed & laughed! Dr. Brice even commented on how strong she is (well, yeah!!). It was such a wonderful check-up and I am so grateful she didn't have to get shots this time. That's next time . . .

See you soon!!

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