Today, we finally met my doctor (who we love!!) and got to listen to the baby's heartbeat again!! It's always exciting! 155 beats per minute - very strong, the doctor said. And, I've lost 5 more pounds, which is practically miraculous after all we ate in NYC last week!! We'll get to find out the gender on May 5 -
Cinco de Mayo, baby!! So, we'll probably celebrate with a little Mexican food that night. Although, it if hits me the way
Salsarita's and Rosa
Mexicano did, I may have to pass. :( Chips and salsa are about as adventurous as I get these days! Although, Chris and I did go to Red Lobster after my appointment today and I had yummy mango/jalapeno shrimp!! It was so funny that he got the $30 lobster platter and I got the $8 shrimp skewers!! And we both got dessert, which we NEVER do so, needless to say, I'm not very hungry tonight. I am loving this warm weather we're having and I'm so glad I bought maternity
Capri cargo pants and several maternity T-shirts. And I'm getting a pedicure tomorrow so my pigs will be beautiful in those flip flops I love! WOO HOO!!!
See you soon!!