Saturday, September 15, 2012

Look Who's 2!!!

As I write this post, I am amazed that two years have passed since our sweet "bonus blessing" was born!! Morgan was very unexpected when we found out we were "expecting" on January 25, 2010, one day before my 39th birthday!! The joke is that I had told Chris months before that if I wasn't pregnant by my next birthday (which I KNEW I wouldn't be!!), I wanted to have a procedure called endometrial ablation to tame my out-of-control periods. All of the blood drained out of Chris's face, because he still was holding out hope (& prayers, as I would find out later) that we would have another child, so I laughed it off as something we really didn't have to talk about right then . . . or ever, as we would soon find out! 
What an absolute joy our sweet Morgan has been!! She is one amazing kid! She is talking up a storm these days, repeating nearly everything we say (so we're very careful, now!). She know many of her colors and remembers everything she's ever known or heard about! Like Bailey, she diffuses tense situations by being hysterically funny. She has finally grown some hair and it is beautifully curly! She is 35 inches tall and weighs 28 lbs. 13 oz. (80th percentile). She eats well and  her new fave is smoothies, which she drinks nearly every morning. She is just now starting to show some interest in listening to books as opposed to running around the living room while we read to her! She goes to preschool one day a week and has done remarkably well.

Here are just a few pictures of her "birth day" two years ago! It's one of the best days of my life!


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