Our sweet nephew, Samuel, was born a month after Miss Morgan, so today we went out to the farm to celebrate his first birthday. It was such a beautiful day and we all had a great time eating, talking, chasing the young 'uns, taking lots of pictures, and enjoying the warm, breezy afternoon. Four of the five Lemmons families were represented today so there were lots of kids running around. Morgan only slowed down a few times, mostly to play with Abby, Samuel's English Mastiff. She's a great big hunk of a dog, but she is so sweet and docile, and let Morgan play all over her for quite a while. It was so cute to watch!! And you may think that the appropriate attire for a day at the farm is overalls and perhaps even boots, but you'd be wrong. It's actually white pants and a top festooned with ribbons!! A girl has to look her best even when she's rolling around on the ground with dogs!
See you soon!!